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LAMP Stack Developer on CellARide Platform Since Inception

Years as CellARide's Senior Software Developer


LAMP Stack Developer on CellARide Platform Since Inception

Years as CellARide's Senior Software Developer

Deploys Quick-to-Market Technology Solutions

Efficiently Scales the Platform to Accomodate Growth, Adapt to Client Needs, and Securely Manage User Data

Years Development Experience

Richard has been with CellARide from the beginning and has been instrumental in the development of its technology platform. As the company’s Senior Developer, Richard balances the demands of quick-to-market development with thoughtful architecture that adapts to unique client needs and performs well at scale.

Specializing in LAMP stack development, Richard is a software engineer with more than 15 years of development and systems administration experience. This experience has also helped create and maintain CellARide’s high standards of data security and regulatory compliance.

In his freetime, Richard enjoys spending time with his wife and daughter.

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